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Four exercises to lose your love handles

We call them "love handles" but we all want to get rid of them!

Fat sitting on the side of our tummy is one of the hardest to lose.

Here are 4 exercises that will help you target those love handles:

1) Side Plank Crunch (3 sets of 10-12 reps on each side)

Directions: Get in the position of a side plank, pull your knee towards you chest and crunch your opposite elbow towards it.

2) Standing Obliques (3 sets of 15 reps on each side)

Directions: Stand with your legs wide apart, extend arms up straight above your head, bend over to your right foot (Try to reach as far as you can) then make your way to the left foot, then pull back up.

3) Knee Drop (3 sets of 10 reps on each side)

Directions: Lie down on your mat, legs off the floor into a tabletop position. Drop your knees to the right side keeping your abs tight and back flat. Exhale and pull to center, then inhale and drop your knees back to the opposite side.

4) Plank Up-Downs (8 reps on each side)

Directions: Get in a plank position. Starting with one arm, lower down to your mat, then follow with the next arm. Move back up, one arm at a time, to the fully extended plank.

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